Winston-Salem Radio Control Club Rules
Updated and Approved: November 2, 2023 - Effective Date: January 1, 2024
(click here to print a copy of the Club rules)
Updated and Approved: November 2, 2023 - Effective Date: January 1, 2024
(click here to print a copy of the Club rules)
Common sense, courtesy and attention to safety will limit the requirement for many new rules, now and in the future. That is not to say that some rules are necessary and they apply to all members of the Winston-Salem Radio Control Club (hereafter WSRC), all non-members, all spectators, all guests.
In addition to all Academy of Model Aeronautics (hereafter AMA) safety rules, all persons using or visiting the WSRC flying field shall abide by the following rules. It is the responsibility of each member of WSRC to remind any person of these rules and to report any willful and/or malicious violations to the Officers and/or members of the Board of Directors. These rules were formulated through many years of experience and were approved by the members of WSRC on November 2, 2023, to promote good flying habits and ensure the safety of all. Civility, courtesy and respect toward all fellow members and guests is always expected.
WSRC is not responsible for any loss or any damage to any aircraft or vehicle or for any individual injury that may occur.
Common sense, courtesy and attention to safety will limit the requirement for many new rules, now and in the future. That is not to say that some rules are necessary and they apply to all members of the Winston-Salem Radio Control Club (hereafter WSRC), all non-members, all spectators, all guests.
In addition to all Academy of Model Aeronautics (hereafter AMA) safety rules, all persons using or visiting the WSRC flying field shall abide by the following rules. It is the responsibility of each member of WSRC to remind any person of these rules and to report any willful and/or malicious violations to the Officers and/or members of the Board of Directors. These rules were formulated through many years of experience and were approved by the members of WSRC on November 2, 2023, to promote good flying habits and ensure the safety of all. Civility, courtesy and respect toward all fellow members and guests is always expected.
WSRC is not responsible for any loss or any damage to any aircraft or vehicle or for any individual injury that may occur.
- Members of WSRC may use the WSRC flying field at any time but should be considerate of our neighbors.
- Non-members that wish to fly at the WSRC flying field must be accompanied by a member.
- It is mandatory that members and/or any non-member guest flying at the WSRC flying field hold a current AMA membership with the following exception:
- Guests that are being introduced to the hobby of model flying and have not made an official application to join WSRC.
- Members and/or non-member guests using the WSRC flying field during a WSRC special event, contest or an official AMA Sanctioned Contest must abide by any special rules and are under the direct authority of the Contest Director officially approved by the club.
- Loud, distracting, profane, disturbing or any other such conduct that is contrary to a general family fun atmosphere will not be tolerated and is not allowed.
- Alcoholic beverages are not allowed at the WSRC flying field.
- For safety reasons, when WSRC flying field maintenance (e.g., mowing) is being conducted, flying is not allowed.
- Members should remind spectators to stay behind any fencing or barriers erected for their safety. If a spectator wishes to see a model more closely, and it is safe to do so, a member must always accompany the spectator to view the model. However, at no time is an unaccompanied non-pilot spectator allowed on the flight line or to approach any aircraft that has an engine running.
- Pets must always be on a leash. Pet owners are responsible for their pets including picking up their pet’s waste as well as any damage any pet may cause.
- The area from inside the spectator safety barrier to the designated flight line is designated as the pit area. All models and flying equipment shall be kept in this area or in the model pilot’s vehicle or trailer.
- Mufflers are required on all wet fuel engines .10 cubic inches and larger.
- Special engines and scale models where mufflers are impractical or impossible may be operated at the discretion of the appointed CD, WSRC club Officer or a member of the Board of Directors.
- Noise levels will be monitored at the WSRC flying field to ensure flying models do not exceed 96dBA at full throttle measured at 20 feet on the ground for more than 5 continuous seconds. A decibel meter is kept on site and may be used by any member, Officer, safety officer or member of the Board of Directors when the noise level of a particular model is questionable. Any flying model that exceeds 96dBA at full throttle measured at 20 feet on the ground for more than 5 continuous seconds will not be permitted to fly. A phone app may be used as an alternative to measure noise levels if the decibel meter is not available. Noise levels may be checked periodically and randomly at different areas on field and off field and at different times of the year to ensure that WSRC is doing all it can to keep noise at or below the 96dBA level during all model flights.
- "Breaking In" of a new engine will be done at a far corner of the flying field and not unduly disturb fellow flyers.
- There will be no fueling, refueling, or emptying of fuel tanks for wet fuel motors in the covered pit areas (aka shelters).
- Electric powered models may be powered in the covered pit areas but only to test or activate retractable landing gear and then only on the provided work benches.
- There will be no motor operation in the covered pit areas of any kind, regardless of the motor type. There will also be no motor operation of any kind in the spectator areas or inside the club building.
- All radio transmitters and receivers operated at the WSRC flying field must be 72MHz band frequencies or spread spectrum type (e.g.,2.4GHz). Radio systems other than spread spectrum (e.g., 2.4GHz) and 72MHz are not allowed without permission from the CD or Officers of WSRC.
The following rule does not apply to members and/or non-member guests using spread spectrum type (e.g., 2.4 GHz) radio transmitters and receivers.- When more than one member and/or non-member guest is using equipment in the 72MHz band to control flight, they are to make this known and follow the WSRC frequency use plan.
- Pre-flight all models. Each model pilot and/or aircraft owner is individually responsible for ensuring their aircraft is properly configured and safe to fly.
- WSRC is not responsible for the failure of any model pilot to comply with any applicable federal, state, or local regulations. However, willful and/or malicious failure of the model pilot to comply with applicable federal, state, or local regulations that causes or may cause WSRC to defend itself against a citation may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination of membership.
- For safety reasons, WSRC requires that new members and prospective new members learn our safety rules and demonstrate safe, proficient flying skills prior to being released to fly by themselves. Any Officer, instructor, safety officer or member of the Board of Directors can witness and verify a new member’s or prospective new member’s demonstration of proficiency and safety.
- All take-offs, flying and landings must be made with the model pilot standing behind the designated flight line with the following exception:
- With students, new models or general sport flying, take-offs may be made with the pilot standing behind the model at the end of the runway. After take-off, the pilot must return to the designated flight line.
- On takeoff, after a model is airborne, initial turns must be made away from the pit area and spectators. There shall be no flying west of the club designated flight line, this flight line is defined from the pilot stations as a line running generally north northeast and generally south southwest from each end of the runway, with the following exceptions:
- Powered and non-powered sailplanes are permitted to fly west of the designated flight line for the purpose of exploring and achieving maximum thermal soaring. In no case are these models exempt from flying over the pit area and the parking lot. This area is defined as the area that is west of the designated flight line.
- Pilots may use the geotextile (aka tarp) for takeoffs and landings, but at no time shall fly over the pit area, spectators, parking lots, driveways, or any structure. If taking off to the west or landing from the west all turns must be made to avoid flying over the pit area, spectators, parking lots, driveways, or any structure.
- There will be absolutely no flying over the pit area, spectators, or parking lot at any time.
- Do not fly north / northwest above and/or beyond the power lines. The power lines are deceptively close.
- There will be absolutely no taxiing back into the pit area. All motors, regardless of type, must be stopped no farther than the end of the runway exits/entrances before proceeding to the pit area. That distance is approximately ten (10) feet.
- All take-offs must yield to landing models.
- All dead stick landings or other emergencies shall be announced in a loud and clear voice. Emergencies and dead stick landings have priority over all other take-offs and landings.
- Any time any person must be on or cross over the active runway, for any reason, that person will announce it in a loud voice, words such as “on the field”. Once that person has left the runway or finished crossing the runway, they must announce in a loud voice that they are clear of the runway.
- For any crash or otherwise downed model that occurs “off field” all others flying at that time will avoid flying over those searching for or recovering the crashed or downed model. For safety reasons, when in doubt about whether you might be flying over people, pilots flying at the time should land as quickly and safely as possible. Hold further take-offs until such time as it is safe to resume flights.
- All crashed models will be recovered as quickly as possible and all persons will return to the pit area as quickly as possible. Crash analysis/investigation will not be conducted at the crash site unless it will not interfere with others that are waiting to fly.
- Saturdays from noon until 2pm is reserved for instructors who are teaching new pilots. Members may continue to fly during those times but are advised that students/new pilots may also be flying. Courtesy and understanding is expected.
- A member of WSRC is permitted to invite a non-member guest to the WSRC flying field no more than four times during a calendar year unless otherwise approved by the Board of Directors.
- The above rule does not apply to invited guests who are members in good standing of any AMA chartered model airplane club. The above rule also does not apply to a non-member guest invited by a member to become acquainted with the flying of radio-controlled models; or to potential members of WSRC who are being taught to fly by duly authorized instructors. A person flying or otherwise participating in a WSRC special event or contest is not considered a non-member guest.
- Each member of WSRC has a responsibility to warn others who, in his/her informed opinion, willfully and/or maliciously violates these rules. It shall also be the responsibility of each WSRC member to report willful and/or malicious violations to an Officer or member of the Board of Directors for action.
- It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to request an accused violator(s) be present at a specially called meeting of the Board for possible action against the accused violator(s). Due process will be afforded. If the Board of Directors finds a violation has occurred, the violator(s) may either be suspended from the club for a specific period or for serious violations, membership may be terminated. There is no appeal from a Board of Directors decision.
Winston-Salem Radio Control Club By-Laws
Amended June 5, 2022
The formal name of this corporation shall be Winston-Salem Radio Control Club, Inc. and shall also be known and designated herein by the short title of WSRC, or “the club”. This is a chartered club (#1180) within the Academy of Model Aeronautics, a national community-based organization.
The objectives of this club shall be:
This club shall have at least one non-flying session each month or as needed. At this session the business of the club shall be carried on. At these sessions social activities will be scheduled according to the wishes of the members.
Other activities shall include, but not be limited to, informal flying sessions during each month dependent upon weather conditions, some type of competitive activity and group participation in interclub activities subject to majority membership wishes.
The officers of this organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or combined Secretary/Treasurer, and five (5) Directors. The union of these officers and directors shall be known as the Board of Directors, or the Board.
The term of office for all officers and directors shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning January 1 of the year. The officers and directors shall be elected at the November business meeting of each year. Should any office become vacant, an election will be held at any business session following such vacancy, provided all members have been notified at least two (2) weeks in advance.
The affairs of WSRC shall be managed by the Board of Directors consisting of nine (9) members who remain in good standing and are of at least 18 years of age. The Board shall make recommendations to the membership for projects costing more than $200. Additionally, the board shall make timely decisions regarding membership adjudication. The Board of Directors shall include the
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and four (4) Directors duly elected at the annual Election of Officers. The previous year's Ex-President shall automatically become a member of the Board of Directors and shall serve for a period of one year. If the incumbent President is reelected; then five (5) Directors shall be elected. If the Secretary/Treasurer are the same person, then an
additional Director shall be elected. The Board of Directors meetings are open to the general membership. The members are invited
to attend and discuss any issues brought before the Board of Directors.
The President shall appoint at least one Safety Officer. The President shall create any committee as needed per the wishes and needs of the membership.
The President, in conjunction with the Treasurer, shall maintain a group email list consisting of the members of WSRC. Members shall consider the information contained in these emails as the official intent to inform the general membership of any pertinent information regarding the club. This includes but is not limited to scheduled meetings, events, proposed changes to the Board of Directors, dues structure or changes to the Bylaws. The club website “” and the club Facebook page “Winston-Salem RC Club Members” may mirror information from the group emails, but are not guaranteed to have the latest information. It shall be the responsibility of each member to read club generated email and to advise the Treasurer of any change in mailing address or e-mail address.
Membership shall be open to all. A full member shall:
Any member in good standing shall:
An Adult or Youth membership includes all voting privileges.
A violation of any of the membership requirements will subject a member to censure as determined by the Board of Directors.
A new member is a person that has never been a member of WSRC, or that whose membership lapsed for a least one year.
Dues shall be payable in full by March 31 of each year. Dues are prorated monthly for new members applying after July 1 and are payable in full upon receipt of application for membership into the club. The pro-rating schedule is specified on the membership application.
The annual dues structure is as follows:
Annual dues received after March 31 of each calendar year are delinquent and a late fee as specified on the membership application will be charged.
Consistent with the Articles of Incorporation, a quorum shall be the number of members present at any given business meeting. Proxy votes are not permitted. Absentee votes may be provided prior to the business meeting via text or email to all of the club officers.
Also consistent with the Articles of Incorporation, any changes in the By-Laws of WSRC shall be proposed, discussed and voted upon at a scheduled business session. All members in good standing shall be notified of the proposed changes at least two (2) weeks in advance. Any decision made to change the By-Laws shall be based upon the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at the
business session.
All members using the WSRC club flying field shall abide by the rules approved and adopted by the voting membership of WSRC. Non-members may not use the facilities of the club unless they are the invited guest of a voting member in good standing and the guest fully complies with the aforementioned rules.
If any member of WSRC should knowingly break the rules of WSRC, the Academy of Model Aeronautics, or otherwise knowingly engages in conduct unbecoming a WSRC member at a WSRC club event, facility, or while representing the WSRC club in any other activity, the officers of the Club may, by a unanimous vote, immediately place that member on temporary membership suspension for review by the Board of Directors.
It shall be the responsibility of each member of WSRC to remind any member and/or nonmember of any infraction of the club's rules and to report any repeated infractions to the members of the Board of Directors. Cases reported to the Board of Directors shall be resolved within 30 days of the report. The Board of Directors shall gather the facts/evidence surrounding the complaint, corroborate it if possible, then make a ruling regarding the reported infraction(s). Actions the Board may take after review include issuing formal warnings, reinstating or suspending membership and member expulsion. There is no appeal of the Board decision.
A contest director shall be appointed by the Board of Directors of WSRC for each AMA officially sanctioned or non-sanctioned club organized session. The appointed contest director shall hold a current AMA Contest Director's License. The contest director shall enforce all AMA as well as club rules and shall retain the right to temporarily amend or suspend any club rule as circumstances may dictate.
There is to be no stock issued in this corporation, but each member in good standing with his dues paid up shall be considered a stockholder in the affairs of this corporation. That in the event this corporation should dissolve and cease to exist and there is an existence of assets belonging to this corporation, the said assets shall be sold and the proceeds thereof turned over to some charitable
organization selected by the final Board of Directors.
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Club. They shall preside at all business meetings of the WSRC club and the Board of Directors. They shall direct the affairs of the WSRC club with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors. The President, with unanimous officer approval, may direct club funds to be spent (up to $200), for projects deemed necessary for the club. In the event of incapacity or inability to fulfill the office and upon certification of such fact by two-thirds of the Board of Directors, the remainder of their term shall be filled in the following order of succession: Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
The Vice-President shall perform such duties as are delegated to him/her by the President and shall succeed to the office of the President in the event of death or resignation/removal of the President. They shall preside at meetings in the event of temporary absence of the President. They shall advise the President, the Board of Directors, and WSRC Members on WSRC Constitutional questions.
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all WSRC and Board of Directors meetings and shall be the official custodian of all the WSRC records. The Secretary shall make available the business session minutes to all WSRC members. The Secretary shall ensure relevant records are kept and accessible to the club officers, and to the membership when appropriate.
The Treasurer shall be the official custodian of the club funds. They shall report recent debits and credits and the balance of the club working funds at each business session.
◦ The Treasurer shall put out a call for the next year dues by February 15th of the current year.
◦ The Treasurer shall maintain an up-to-date roster of the WSRC club members.
◦ The Treasurer shall ensure that all accounts involving club monies are legally accessible by a designated backup, in case the treasurer is no longer able to carry out their duties.
◦ The Treasurer shall initiate and submit the paperwork required for AMA chartering each year.
The formal name of this corporation shall be Winston-Salem Radio Control Club, Inc. and shall also be known and designated herein by the short title of WSRC, or “the club”. This is a chartered club (#1180) within the Academy of Model Aeronautics, a national community-based organization.
The objectives of this club shall be:
- To promote and encourage the design, construction, assembling and flying of radio controlled model aircraft.
- To promote fellowship among radio control modelers in the participation of this activity.
This club shall have at least one non-flying session each month or as needed. At this session the business of the club shall be carried on. At these sessions social activities will be scheduled according to the wishes of the members.
Other activities shall include, but not be limited to, informal flying sessions during each month dependent upon weather conditions, some type of competitive activity and group participation in interclub activities subject to majority membership wishes.
The officers of this organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or combined Secretary/Treasurer, and five (5) Directors. The union of these officers and directors shall be known as the Board of Directors, or the Board.
The term of office for all officers and directors shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning January 1 of the year. The officers and directors shall be elected at the November business meeting of each year. Should any office become vacant, an election will be held at any business session following such vacancy, provided all members have been notified at least two (2) weeks in advance.
The affairs of WSRC shall be managed by the Board of Directors consisting of nine (9) members who remain in good standing and are of at least 18 years of age. The Board shall make recommendations to the membership for projects costing more than $200. Additionally, the board shall make timely decisions regarding membership adjudication. The Board of Directors shall include the
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and four (4) Directors duly elected at the annual Election of Officers. The previous year's Ex-President shall automatically become a member of the Board of Directors and shall serve for a period of one year. If the incumbent President is reelected; then five (5) Directors shall be elected. If the Secretary/Treasurer are the same person, then an
additional Director shall be elected. The Board of Directors meetings are open to the general membership. The members are invited
to attend and discuss any issues brought before the Board of Directors.
The President shall appoint at least one Safety Officer. The President shall create any committee as needed per the wishes and needs of the membership.
The President, in conjunction with the Treasurer, shall maintain a group email list consisting of the members of WSRC. Members shall consider the information contained in these emails as the official intent to inform the general membership of any pertinent information regarding the club. This includes but is not limited to scheduled meetings, events, proposed changes to the Board of Directors, dues structure or changes to the Bylaws. The club website “” and the club Facebook page “Winston-Salem RC Club Members” may mirror information from the group emails, but are not guaranteed to have the latest information. It shall be the responsibility of each member to read club generated email and to advise the Treasurer of any change in mailing address or e-mail address.
Membership shall be open to all. A full member shall:
- Be a member in good standing with the Academy of Model Aeronautics.
- Be an Adult or Youth member of WSRC (a Youth member is defined as a person under 19 years of age)
Any member in good standing shall:
- Pay dues and/or assessments promptly.
- Abide by the official club rules approved and adopted by the membership of WSRC.
- Not participate in any form of gross misconduct at any activity session.
An Adult or Youth membership includes all voting privileges.
A violation of any of the membership requirements will subject a member to censure as determined by the Board of Directors.
- Any radio control modeler may make application to join WSRC as a member provided the modeler meets the following criteria:
- Complete and sign the official WSRC membership application.
- Hold a current AMA membership.
- Be thoroughly versed in the WSRC By-Laws as well as the Safety Rules
- Submit applicable dues and/or fees, payable to WSRC, along with a membership application to the Club Treasurer.
- Complete a sixty (60) day probationary period commencing from the date of application submittal.
- The Board of Directors reserves the right to receive and review oppositions for membership during the probationary period and will render any final decision within 30 days of receipt of the membership opposition.
- It shall be the responsibility of WSRC to insure that the club membership has had ample opportunity to review any application for membership prior to the expiration of the probationary period.
- Should membership be denied or rescinded, the applicant will be notified by email and prorated dues shall be promptly refunded.
A new member is a person that has never been a member of WSRC, or that whose membership lapsed for a least one year.
Dues shall be payable in full by March 31 of each year. Dues are prorated monthly for new members applying after July 1 and are payable in full upon receipt of application for membership into the club. The pro-rating schedule is specified on the membership application.
The annual dues structure is as follows:
- Adult member (19 or over) set by Board of Directors and voted by membership.
- Youth member (less than 19) set by Board of Directors and voted by membership.
Annual dues received after March 31 of each calendar year are delinquent and a late fee as specified on the membership application will be charged.
- A delinquent member is a member who has not paid the required dues by March 31 of the calendar year.
- A delinquent member will be removed from the membership and shall relinquish all privileges that membership in good standing provides. Notification of removal shall be made by email.
- Membership and its privileges shall be reinstated provided dues and the late fee are paid.
Consistent with the Articles of Incorporation, a quorum shall be the number of members present at any given business meeting. Proxy votes are not permitted. Absentee votes may be provided prior to the business meeting via text or email to all of the club officers.
Also consistent with the Articles of Incorporation, any changes in the By-Laws of WSRC shall be proposed, discussed and voted upon at a scheduled business session. All members in good standing shall be notified of the proposed changes at least two (2) weeks in advance. Any decision made to change the By-Laws shall be based upon the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at the
business session.
All members using the WSRC club flying field shall abide by the rules approved and adopted by the voting membership of WSRC. Non-members may not use the facilities of the club unless they are the invited guest of a voting member in good standing and the guest fully complies with the aforementioned rules.
If any member of WSRC should knowingly break the rules of WSRC, the Academy of Model Aeronautics, or otherwise knowingly engages in conduct unbecoming a WSRC member at a WSRC club event, facility, or while representing the WSRC club in any other activity, the officers of the Club may, by a unanimous vote, immediately place that member on temporary membership suspension for review by the Board of Directors.
It shall be the responsibility of each member of WSRC to remind any member and/or nonmember of any infraction of the club's rules and to report any repeated infractions to the members of the Board of Directors. Cases reported to the Board of Directors shall be resolved within 30 days of the report. The Board of Directors shall gather the facts/evidence surrounding the complaint, corroborate it if possible, then make a ruling regarding the reported infraction(s). Actions the Board may take after review include issuing formal warnings, reinstating or suspending membership and member expulsion. There is no appeal of the Board decision.
A contest director shall be appointed by the Board of Directors of WSRC for each AMA officially sanctioned or non-sanctioned club organized session. The appointed contest director shall hold a current AMA Contest Director's License. The contest director shall enforce all AMA as well as club rules and shall retain the right to temporarily amend or suspend any club rule as circumstances may dictate.
There is to be no stock issued in this corporation, but each member in good standing with his dues paid up shall be considered a stockholder in the affairs of this corporation. That in the event this corporation should dissolve and cease to exist and there is an existence of assets belonging to this corporation, the said assets shall be sold and the proceeds thereof turned over to some charitable
organization selected by the final Board of Directors.
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Club. They shall preside at all business meetings of the WSRC club and the Board of Directors. They shall direct the affairs of the WSRC club with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors. The President, with unanimous officer approval, may direct club funds to be spent (up to $200), for projects deemed necessary for the club. In the event of incapacity or inability to fulfill the office and upon certification of such fact by two-thirds of the Board of Directors, the remainder of their term shall be filled in the following order of succession: Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
The Vice-President shall perform such duties as are delegated to him/her by the President and shall succeed to the office of the President in the event of death or resignation/removal of the President. They shall preside at meetings in the event of temporary absence of the President. They shall advise the President, the Board of Directors, and WSRC Members on WSRC Constitutional questions.
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all WSRC and Board of Directors meetings and shall be the official custodian of all the WSRC records. The Secretary shall make available the business session minutes to all WSRC members. The Secretary shall ensure relevant records are kept and accessible to the club officers, and to the membership when appropriate.
The Treasurer shall be the official custodian of the club funds. They shall report recent debits and credits and the balance of the club working funds at each business session.
◦ The Treasurer shall put out a call for the next year dues by February 15th of the current year.
◦ The Treasurer shall maintain an up-to-date roster of the WSRC club members.
◦ The Treasurer shall ensure that all accounts involving club monies are legally accessible by a designated backup, in case the treasurer is no longer able to carry out their duties.
◦ The Treasurer shall initiate and submit the paperwork required for AMA chartering each year.